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Designing for Density: A Conversation on Accessory Dwelling Units
Join us for an engaging panel discussion on accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and their potential to expand housing options in urban and suburban neighborhoods. This session will explore how ADUs can create opportunities for aging in place, foster diverse housing choices, and integrate sensitively into existing historic contexts. The conversation will highlight lessons from the Cleveland Heights ADU design competition, sponsored by AARP. Panelists will share insights on design strategies, zoning and regulatory challenges, and best practices for implementing ADUs in communities.
Tommy Chesnes, Senior Designer, Architect at Onyx Creative
Patrick W. Hewitt, AICP, Planning Manager, Strategy & Development, Cuyahoga County Planning Commission
Rachel Novak, AICP, Senior Planner, Cuyahoga County Planning Commission
Eric Zamft, AICP, Director of Planning, Neighborhoods & Development, City of Cleveland Heights
This session offers one hour of professional development credit for planners.