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Machines for Fishing the Subconscious
Professor John Humphries completed degrees in Architecture from The University of Texas at Arlington and a Master of Fine Arts from New England College.
John Humphries is a gardener, visual artist, and designer focusing on translating one media form to another and visually representing natural and sensorial phenomena beyond the comprehension of humans senses in scale and time.
Creative design and art takes the form of watercolor drawings and ceramic architectonic assemblages. John has exhibited in Japan, The Republic of Ireland, Germany, The Czech Republic and in the US. Exhibitions include Drawn from the Winter at the Clifton Cultural Arts Center in Ohio, Living Stone at the Galerie Ladislava Sutnara in Plzen, Czech Republic, Myths and Memories at The Morris Graves Museum in California and Trilobitic Surfaces at The Ohio Biennial. Awards include twice receiving the Merit of Distinction by the Interior Design Educators Council, International Juror’s Award by the American Society of Architectural Illustrators and an award for course materials by the Interior Design Council and Cincinnati Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. John is a fellow of the Hambidge Center for Creative Arts, The St. James Cavalier in Valletta, Malta, The Tyrone Guthrie Centre of Annaghmakerrig, Ireland, and The Virginia Center for Creative Arts.