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Antonio Sanmartín Gabas is an educator and architect. Currently a Ph.D. Fellow at the Universidad de Alicante (Spain), Sanmartín earned Masters of Architecture degrees from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design where he was a Fulbright Scholar and New York University at Buffalo. He holds a degree and license in Architecture and Urban planning from Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona-Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (ETSAB-UPC).
Recently invited to participate in the VENICE BIENALLE 2025. Happy to learn that Michelin guide gave one star to ANSILS restaurant designed in a remote town at the central Pyrenees where he was born.
Antonio Sanmartín has taught in several universities in Spain and in USA.
Joyfull and honored for currently being part of College of Architectures and Environmental Design at KENT State University. Taught last Arizona State University in 2023, teaches at ETSALS Universitat Ramon Llull in Barcelona. Was appointed Cass Gilbert Fellow at University of Minnesota in 2020 and has also taught at as Visiting Professor at the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis (1996, 2001, 2007, 2016–2017), Ralph Hawkins Visiting Professor at the University of Texas Arlington (2014–2015), Visiting Academic at the University of Queensland, Australia (2013, 2014), and Design Associate Professor at ETSAB-UPC in Barcelona from 1991 through 2018. He was Undergraduate Program Director and Degree Project Coordinator at ESARQ-UIC, Barcelona from 2002 to 2006.
Antonio Sanmartín is aZCÓN Architectures S.L.P. founder, and author of several international projects such as Tembo BCN Suites in Barcelona and the Gonja Savannah region Assembly and Community Palace in Ghana. Is also founder of MaZKs aZCON–kOCHER-mINDER Architectures based in Barceloan and Thun, Switzerland. Also co-founder and co-director of aSZ arquitectes with Elena Cánovas. Their work includes buildings and public spaces as the Can Casacuberta Public Library (Badalona), Rianxo Auditorium, the Capuchinas buildings for the Universidad de Huesca, the Barcelona Tramway System, and the Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies (Gijón).
Antonio Sanmartín is John Hejduk’s partner architect for Spain and was project architect at Eisenman Architects. Other professional partnerships include HYBRIDa, Josep Lluis Mateo, Adrian Luchini, Luis Feduchi, José Maria Torres, and Ramón Muñoz.
Antonio Sanmartín has received national and international recognition for his work, including the FAD (1992, 1998, 2002, 2004), Fernando García Mercadal (1997, 1999, 2002, 2008), and the ECOLA (2011) awards.
Professional and academic publications describe Antonio’s realized work, academic tasks and research. Specially honored and proud to be the author and editor of HEJDUK: BUIDING CHARACTERS(Lettera Ventidue, 2023) or the first Spanish monograph on VENTURI, RAUCH and SCOTT BROWN (Gustavo Gili, 1986)